Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The specials you serve are a huge opportunity. This was from an article in Restaurant Hospitality Magazine....

More than two thirds of consumers order from specials menus at full-service restaurants, primarily because they perceive these specials offer a better price/value. Customers also look to specials for new and unique menu items.

With so many customers ordering specials, you'd be wise to look at this part of your menu as a chance to boost check averages while creating a point of differentiation between you and your competitors.

On the other hand, if you've been offering a specials menu that is not so special because your offerings change too infrequently, you may not be profiting from this part of the menu as you should.

So, how do you put this information to work? Hmmmm... Isn't this convenient, the solution is right here - at your fingertips!

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