Friday, December 19, 2008

Notes from Table 12......

Question for the Day.... How do you let people know about your specialty items?

Single diners can be an asset, not just a smaller check and tip. I eat by myself several times a week. Sunday I was traveling and stopped at Bailey’s, about 50 miles from home. The regulars in town each have their favorite meal and I am no exception. I had driven several miles out of my way to have their perch dinner. The restaurant was packed, but had room
for 1 at the bar.
It turned out to be a great place to play my game for single
The bartender was friendly—very helpful when a person dines alone—in fact we had mutual friends in the town where I live. My order came quickly, 8 perfectly sautéed perch fillets, baked potato and coleslaw on the side with a slice of piping hot Texas toast covered with a special cheesy garlic sauce. It was just the way I remembered from the last time. My neighbor at the bar asked, “What did you order?” I answered, “My favorite perch dinner. It’s great!!” “It does look good. How about it honey? Shall we get perch instead of a hamburger?” he said to his wife on the other side.” He turned back to me and said, “We’re from out of town. We thought we would come in for a quick sandwich.” “Bailey’s is known for it’s perch dinners. They sell literally tons of perch during the summer. If you’re from out of town, you’ve got to experience it.”
Score two dinners instead of hamburgers.
As I finished my dinner the customer on the other side of me said, “I heard you say that what you are having is Bailey’s specialty. What was it? We’re from out of town too. I was going to have a hamburger but that really looks good.” I told him about the perch that can’t be beat. When they were called to their seat they said,, “I understand that your perch dinners are really good…..”
Score two more dinners instead of
hamburgers. I checked the menu before I left and found that the perch dinners these people ordered had brought in an extra $20 over the cost of hamburgers for the restaurant. They should have been paying me for eating there. I should tell Bailey’s I would be glad to pose for a “My Favorite” slugger or poster advertising that great perch so people will know about it when I can’t be there…

From the Diner’s Barstool at Bailey’s

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